Higher Education / Student Life & Development

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Be a listener, problem-solver, change leader.

Because higher education is vital to social and economic achievement, versatile administrators are needed who are highly skilled in working with diverse students and maximizing resources amid constant change. Student Life & Development focuses on understanding college’s effects on undergraduate student development from psychosocial, cognitive, moral and other perspectives, and on supporting student success in college adjustment, academic achievement, and personal development. We promote deep insight into college students, their families and communities.

Track Highlights

  • Student Life & Development components explored in class and in required hands-on experiences include:
    • Student affairs
    • Residential college programming
    • Commuter student affairs
    • Orientation
    • Housing & dining
    • Campus clubs & organizations
    • Health center
    • Counseling center
    • Academic advising
    • Academic resources (disability, tutoring)
    • Student employment & career planning
    • International student services
    • Financial aid & scholarship
  • A faculty of scholars and administrators from the School of Education & Human Development and divisions of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management lead our curriculum.
  • The SL&D track culminates in an intensive practicum experience and comprehensive exams.

Useful Downloads

If you already have a master's degree, check out our Certificate in Student Life & Development.
