Higher Education / Institutional Research & Policy Analysis

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Dig deep, drive policy, enable change.

Higher education organizations everywhere prize reliable research and data analyses to support wise decision-making. Yet the institutional researchers in demand are those who understand higher education theory, research, history and mission as well as statistics. We equip students with the knowledge and skills for a range of professional research and/or policy positions in colleges and universities, federal and state agencies, think tanks, foundations and associations. Quantitative analyses and higher education foundations are both emphasized, ensuring graduates successfully compete for and advance in research and policy roles around the U.S. and world.

Track Highlights

  • Scholars and administrators teach our interdisciplinary curriculum from the School of Education & Human Development, the Office of Planning & Institutional Research, and the divisions of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs.
  • Institutional Research & Policy Analysis components explored in class and beyond include:
    • College & university governance
    • College student development
    • Recruitment & admissions
    • Enrollment management
    • Financial aid & scholarships
    • Retention & graduation
    • Planning, analysis & institutional research
    • Statistics & computer applications
    • GLM & applied multivariate statistics
    • Advanced methods & analyses
    • Contemporary issues in higher education
  • The IR track culminates in a field experience and comprehensive exams.

Useful Downloads

If you already have a master's degree, check out our Certificates in Enrollment Management and Student Life & Development.
