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Practicum Requirements


Students must complete a 12-month practicum in a program approved outplacement site. This practicum is about 20 hours per week, scheduled as designated by the practicum site. The Practicum Coordinator will assist you in getting placed in a practicum site, usually during the Spring semester of your first year for placement in the Fall semester. During the practicum, you will be registered for EPS 682 Practicum in Counseling and EPS 802 Practicum Laboratory. You must obtain a combination of 15 hours of credit in these two courses.

The practicum requirement for the MHC program is 700 documented hours in practicum, with 280 hours as direct client contact hours. Your supervisor will complete a practicum evaluation for you in all three academic terms, usually Fall, Spring, and Summer. You will track your hours with the Time2Track software and your practicum supervisor will sign off on your hours.