Counseling Psychology Ph.D.

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Admission Requirements

The Counseling Psychology Program typically receives over 100 applications each year and usually admits a class of four doctoral students. We employ a number of criteria to select students for admission including:

  • the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Verbal, Quantitative, and Writing scores
  • official transcripts showing undergraduate and graduate grade point averages
  • the relevance of the applicant’s academic background
  • previous experience in research
  • previous experience in counseling
  • a personal statement, and
  • three letters of recommendation.

In recent years, successful applicants have had an average combined (Verbal + Quantitative) GRE score of approximately 310. Their average undergraduate GPA was 3.63. In addition to students from the majority cultural group, we actively seek to admit students from a variety of racial, ethnic, and lifestyle groups. Fifty-six percent of the current doctoral student body is composed of members of nonmajority groups. The present student body has more women (72%) than men, with a wide range of ages, and represent a diversity of sexual orientation identities and religious preferences.

The deadline for receiving completed applications is December 1st for the following Fall semester. Students are admitted only for the Fall semester. International applicants are strongly recommended to submit application materials no later than October 15, to allow sufficient time for document evaluation prior to the Program’s December 1st deadline.
